Specialized design for shop receipts & shopping mall loyalty

Use our OCR for receipts through our cloud API and extract and parse accurate data instantly.

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Receipt OCR Receipt Scanner Service Features

All our customers get access to intelligent receipt OCR and ongoing data refinement through our proprietary feedback and machine learning models.

Regional Parameters

Increased accuracy together with custom fields for regional tax, dates and number formats.

Data Refinement

Ongoing machine learning to refine and enhance data accuracy.

Format Configurations

Customised format configurations for detailed fields on new stores and establishments.

Account manager

Dedicated account manager for feedback and collaboration with our data team.

API key manager

Ability to create and revoke API keys for your team members.

Analytics Dashboard

Get data statistics on your daily and monthly uploads including your top establishments.

Fixed and Flexi Credits

Options for prepaid, fixed tier and high volume credit packages.

Credit Manager

Flexible subscriptions allowing you to upgrade and downgrade your package at any time.

Multi Language Support
Extract accurate data from any language and character set in the world.
Lightning Fast Cloud API
We process all data fields from a POS receipt in under 2 seconds.
100,000,000+ Receipts
We’ve successfully extracted over 100,000,000 receipts worldwide.
Intelligent Data Capture
Our AI understands receipt fields at human levels of intelligence.
98% Accuracy on Core Data
Receipt OCR returns highly accurate results on establishments, dates and totals.
SOC3 and GDPR Compliant
Strict data privacy policies ensures data is fully protected.
Line Item Data Extraction
The only technology to return accurate line items from any POS receipt in the world.
Simple And Robust API
Seamless software integration through a reliable and easy to use API.
Image Anomaly Corrections
We also see anomalies too, solving crumples, folds, shading

Trapped Offline Expense Data

As the world goes digital in almost every area, the vast majority of expense documents are still trapped inside paper receipts and printed invoices. With millions of different POS and invoice generation systems, It is unknown when and even how a globally harmonised digital receipt and invoice solution is even possible. Sadly, humans robotically typing and inputting these documents is still, the most common form of expense data entry worldwide.

Unstructured Random Formats

Semi automated solutions using OCR and document templating whilst somewhat better, still leave data engineers with a brutal amount of unstructured data to parse and classify. There are millions of expense documents worldwide and growing daily. Whether outsourced to data entry teams or handled in house, standard solutions are slow to develop, inconsistent and unscalable when parsing accurate data out of random formats.

Skewed and Warped Images

To add to the challenge, anomalies caused by badly captured images can make even advanced OCR unreliable and parsing clean data virtually impossible. Inefficient and expensive data entry tasks need to be tackled seriously as part of any scalable and reliable expense solution.

Pricing Package for our Receipt OCR API


FREE/10 Test Credits

7 days

AI Expense Data Extraction
Temporary API key
Analytics Dashboard
10 Test Credits
7 Day Trial Period


/5000 Credits For SEMs

AI Expense Data Extraction
API Key Manager
Analytics Dashboard
5000 Monthly Credits
Regional Parameters
API Support


For entreprises

AI Expense Data Extraction
API key manager
Analytics Dashboard
Regional Parameters
Enterprise Support
Account manager
API Support
Online Support

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